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black and white bed linen

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An open sheet music book displays musical notes and annotations written on the pages. The notes are clearly printed, and there are some handwritten marks or comments visible around the edges.
An open sheet music book displays musical notes and annotations written on the pages. The notes are clearly printed, and there are some handwritten marks or comments visible around the edges.
A black and white image of a library or bookstore shelf with books aligned vertically. A particular focus is on the spine of a book displaying musical content, as seen from the partial keyboard and 'Violin Play-Along' labels. The background is blurred, suggesting depth and giving focus to the foreground books.
A black and white image of a library or bookstore shelf with books aligned vertically. A particular focus is on the spine of a book displaying musical content, as seen from the partial keyboard and 'Violin Play-Along' labels. The background is blurred, suggesting depth and giving focus to the foreground books.

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Partituras Brasileiras Exclusivas

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A collection of open sheet music, with musical notations and scores visible on aged paper. The sheets are slightly overlapping, suggesting a well-used and possibly vintage collection.
A collection of open sheet music, with musical notations and scores visible on aged paper. The sheets are slightly overlapping, suggesting a well-used and possibly vintage collection.
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A Arte da Música

Na Escola de Música Arte Maior, oferecemos partituras manuais e eBooks de diversos estilos, elaborados pela fundadora Cibele Barberá, apaixonada por ensinar e compartilhar música.

A close-up view of open sheet music showing musical notes and staff lines on pages. The focus is sharp on the notes, highlighting the intricate details of the musical composition. The image is captured in black and white, giving it a classic and timeless feel.
A close-up view of open sheet music showing musical notes and staff lines on pages. The focus is sharp on the notes, highlighting the intricate details of the musical composition. The image is captured in black and white, giving it a classic and timeless feel.



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A escola de música Arte Maior transformou meu aprendizado. As partituras são incríveis e acessíveis online!

João Silva

A black and white photograph of an open music book on a stand in a dimly lit room. The background is blurred but shows some wall posters and frames. The focus is on the sheet music, highlighting musical notes and classical arrangements.
A black and white photograph of an open music book on a stand in a dimly lit room. The background is blurred but shows some wall posters and frames. The focus is on the sheet music, highlighting musical notes and classical arrangements.
An open book displaying sheet music with musical notes and symbols on a wooden surface. The background is blurred, emphasizing the focus on the pages.
An open book displaying sheet music with musical notes and symbols on a wooden surface. The background is blurred, emphasizing the focus on the pages.
